Mohammad Mutasim Hossain

Mohammad Mutasim Hossain is a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh. He qualified as Chartered Accountant in December, 2015, having completed his CA articleship with this firm between 2010 and 2013 from ACNABIN, Chartered Accountants. He did his MBA and BBA in Accounting and Information System from University of Dhaka.
Mr. Mutasim is a Director working in Taxation and Corporate Affairs division of ACNABIN. His client service areas include financial reporting, direct and indirect tax assessment, advisory, planning, management and appeal proceeding, transfer pricing, international taxation, investment planning, business advisory and financial and management consultancy. He has a wide experience in joint venture formation, corporate taxation and business advisory services to contractors in JICA financed ODA projects. He has also intensive knowledge and experience for corporate tax exemption and assessment for software developers and IT companies in Bangladesh.
Mr. Mutasim’s current and previous clients include Grameenphone Ltd., Robi Axiata Limited, Accenture Communications Infrastructure Solutions Limited, Wipro IT Services Bangladesh Limited, Axiata Digital Bangladesh Limited, Hungama Bangladesh, Arla Foods Bangladesh Limited, Paxar Bangladesh Limited, OSJI Joint Venture (a joint venture of Obayashi Corp., Shimizu Corp., JFE Engineering Corp. and IHI Infrastructure Systems Co., Ltd.), Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd., OTJ Joint Venture (a joint venture of Obayashi Corp., TOA Corporation and JFE Engineering Corporation), IHI SMCC Joint Venture (a joint venture of IHI Infrastructure Systems Co., Ltd. and SMCC Corporation), TOA Corporation, Penta Ocean Construction Co., Ltd., POSCO Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd., Sterling and Willson, TMS International, MQ Retail AB, Yves Dorsey etc.
Mr. Mutasim successfully worked as an expert in VAT matters as nominated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) on the basis of invitation from the Large Taxpayer Unit (VAT) to resolve its disputes with taxpayers. He worked as a trainer to national VAT audit and intelligence directorate of NBR and training sessions organized by ICAB and different training organizations. He worked for facilitating investment from Singapore in Bangladesh in association with Singapore Business Federation; the apex chamber of commerce in Singapore. Mr. Mutasim is a President’s Scout and involved in various social works in personal life.