Mr. Mezanoor Rahman is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB). He completed his CA Articleship from ACNABIN, Chartered Accountants in 2002. He is a member of Taxation & Corporate Laws Committee (TCLC) of ICAB. He completed his B. Com (Hon’s) and M. Com in Accounting and he is a life member of Accounting Alumni Association of Jagannath University. He is also a Member of the Dhaka Taxes Bar Association and a VAT consultant. He has obtained his VAT consultancy certificate under VAT & SD Act, 2012 from the National Board of Revenue (NBR). He was Independent Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Janata Insurance Company Limited.
Mr. Mezanoor has been leading the Taxation and Corporate Affairs department of ACNABIN as Director. He has gathered experience in the public and private sectors industry in taxation, accounting, consultancy and other advisory & support services. He has worked for multinational and local companies including manufacturing, banks, financial institutions, power sectors, government projects, foreign & local joint ventures, chain hotels, garments & textiles, IT sectors, NGOs, services and so many other sectors.
During the service period of more than 20 (twenty) years, he has accrued wide experience in planning, conducting and supervising services related to income tax and VAT inter alia including transfer pricing, internal audit, due diligence, forming opinion on investment benefits in Bangladesh for interested investors, accounting, vetting of financial statements within the purview of taxation and other applicable laws, approval of provident, gratuity & superannuation funds form the NBR, formation of companies and RJSC&F related services, merging of Private Limited Companies (High Court & RJSC&F part), setting up foreign liaison and branch offices and other BIDA related services in Bangladesh.
Following are the names of a few clients of different sectors to whom he has provided consultancy, advisory and support services:
Huawei Technologies (Bangladesh) Limited, Unilever Bangladesh Limited, MINISO Bangladesh Limited, Marico Bangladesh Limited, Syngenta Bangladesh Limited, Bayer CropScience Limited, British Council Bangladesh, Delegation of the European Union to Bangladesh, Nordic Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bangladesh, Grameenphone Limited, Banglalink Digital Communications Limited, Robi Axiata Limited, Airtel Bangladesh Limited, Bangladesh Cricket Board, Embassy of Sweden, Royal Danish Embassy, Royal Norwegian Embassy, Bangladesh-China Power Company (Pvt.) Limited, HDFC Sinpower Limited, M&J Group of Companies, Evince Group of Companies, Divine Group of Companies, Sharif Group of Companies, Grameen Telecom Trust, Standard Chartered Bank, The City Bank Limited, Sena Hotel Developments Limited (Radisson), Korean Expressway Corporation, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Elanco Bangladesh Limited, IPDC Finance Limited, Keller Ground Engineering Bangladesh Limited, United Commercial Bank Limited, BRAC Bank Limited, BRAC EPL Investments Limited, BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited, data edge limited, Brain Craft Limited, Excel Tele-Com (Pvt) Limited, Geoharbour Bangladesh Engineering and Construction Limited, Sinotrans Bangladesh Limited, SRG Apparel PLC, etc.
He is involved with various social activities, a life member of Lions Clubs International Foundation and Region Chairperson (Club) of Lions Clubs international, District 315 A1, Bangladesh.